The previous week. I'm looking for information on the Hero Pocket Cloth Diaper with 2 Microfiber Inserts, so i would like to describe here.
I hate filling diapers. but I also hate plasticky material against my sweaty little piggys ass! pockets so it is! I absolutely love this baby diaper. is very trim but still incredibly absorbent! The inside is very soft and light and not poop squish into the material. my sons ass exploded in this thing and I thought it was beyond washing but surprisingly did not stain! a loss not to pee or poop! I call this his diaper to poop, why always Poops in it lol. everything comes out beautifully. We just had this diaper rash for about a month, but so far so good. I wash in the laundry soda and nellies dry hanging in the Sun. I like a lot. felt like I should add that I use this FLIP diaper inserts. I lost the original insert that came with this diaper.

Color:Aquamarine We provide high-quality and affordable cloth diapers for those who want the best for their babies and the world they will live in. A happier planet, happier families, and happier babies, all more deeply connected. So go on those picnics, schedule those play dates, take those road trips! The Hero's got you covered! You and Baby have made the Hero's Journey. Now .... Read more or Check Price
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